Friday, 25 March 2011

Goody Good Stuff

I've been raving about these for almost a year, since last year's Bristol eco veggie fayre. Back then, Goody Good Stuff had only just started, and you couldn't buy their products anywhere. Which was a huge problem for me, because I'd tried them and bought several packets, only to discover my new favourite sweet treat was unavailable to purchase.

Fast forward about six months, and I'm looking around my local health food store. Goody Good Stuff sweets are on the shelves, in all their delicious varieties, at the same cost as a bag of Haribo with none of the nasties. They're fat-free, too, so I don't feel too guilty about working my way through a bag after a workout.

When I went to the stand at the Brighton vegfest last week, I was glad to see the company back, doing well, and getting their products out there. Surprisingly, they even remembered me, and the sweets were as good as ever. Highly recommended.


  1. Mmm I love goody good stuff! At Christmas without cruelty a couple of years ago they told me they're the same product that used to be Halal Haribo but they had a disagreement with Haribo and started selling independantly - which is quite interesting if you ever ate the Haribo and wondered where they went!

    :) My local health food store sells them for a pound a bag - bargin!

  2. Yeah, they told me the same thing; that they used to work for Haribo and then went their own way. Weird thing is, these sweets are SO much better than I ever remember the Haribo versions being.
